La lettre est retranscrite ici ,
P.O. BOX 5524
Cary, NC 27512-5524
Office (919)-559-1224
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 2052
Dear Secretary Rice,
Your efforts to promote peace and democracy are known worldwide, and it is for that reason that I am calling your attention to the plight of women and children in Gabon. As I am sure you know, for the last forty years Gabon has been ruled by Omar Bongo, a man who although laying claim to the title of president has ruled as a heartless dictator. Although the United States has worked with him in the past, Omar Bongo is not an ally of America, or for that matter Gabon.
Women and children in Gabon find themselves in a nearly impossible situation. Within the hospitals of Gabon, women that have been fortunate enough to find their way in find themselves giving birth to children on the floor. Children are denied access to basic medicine, leaving them prey to the host of diseases that have made themselves common, due to a lack of proper sanitation. Truly, the situation in Gabon is one of pain and suffering. As Americans we cannot allow ourselves to be associated with regimes that care nothing for the suffering of those least able to defend themselves.
As Secretary of State, I implore you to help use America’s influence to help change the way that Omar Bongo deals with his own citizens. It is hard to see our president sitting down with a man, so thoroughly uncommitted to the ideals that made this country great, and can make Gabon great as well. I know that as Secretary of State you are committed to making this world more secure and democratic. Gabon represents a prime opportunity for America to further its strategic interests and uphold its moral imperatives, do not let us miss the opportunity.
Mellissa Obame